Kim Anthony Hartsock | Teutonica Inc



Anyone can put surname hartsock into most any search engine on line to receive:

“The surname Hartsock was first found in ancient Bavaria where it was associated with solving the tribal conflicts of the area.  They declared allegiances to many nobles and princes of the Middle Ages, lending their influence in struggles for civilization within each region.  They branched into many houses, and their contributions were sought by many leaders in their search for [trade, electric, & anti-war] power.

Everyone on earth, unless you were born prior to 4500 BC, is a member of the Hartsock family because Hartsocks are the oldest household-management and administration tribe in authentic history.  Hartsock = हार्टसोक् इति in Sanskrit.  The surname is first found written in ancient Bavaria 2,646 BC.  Hartsocks (meaning "plant protectors") as the Erbmünzmeisters (ore & mint masters & regulators, civil engineers) are well documented in the books named: Monarchy One, Dynasty I, and the Sumerian King's List.  Hartsock was spelled 𐤒𐤍𐤌𐤄 in Phoenician during the then-called "Hebrew Doubling" finance operations for Liga Teutonica circa 1750 BC.  ‎‎‎The name Hartsock (Χάρτσοκ) is identified on more than 393,000 gravestones as the Archons in Ancient Greece with the Phoenician spelling is on the first common coin, the "Stater" minted for Artemis; and Hartsock appears as the Chief Executive of multiple administrative land districts around the world when you enter the name in and choose Old High German (AD 750 - AD 1050) or Middle High German (AD 1050 - present) as the language. Hartsocks are the architects, engravers and coin lords for every monetary system around the world since the first peaces of eight for the Sumerian Kings, through the top-shelf US Dollar Denomination as it was delivered to North America in mint condition for the Great Amerikahäuser Duchy, AD 1701. 

This is important to readers because:




use the patonce and HWSO helmet + conduit eagle & bull buffalo head black with eyes Extemplar University - Universalis Vigilum (UNI-POL) Inc

flapping goose for bio-gen or just the house shield.

ECOPS E's  Elder, Economy, Ecology, Energy, Elastic, Epistole, Eternal, Everlasting, Everywhere, Even, Equal, Eukaryote, Eradicate Evil Justice

Privilegium Minus, Inc Hendrerit De Iustitiae Aliquam, Inc


I wanna make the point about installing my programs in various banks 103 banks 


Wow I hope this works in this program I surely hope hello ! Right I can put my thoughts right in here .

Loss of control through Morganized marriage 1300, loss of teck and loss of bio-genics, heritage,  Southeast England Charles II - reference Copper deposit.

I am born to the oldest household-management family in written history, circa 2650 BC. Hartsocks (meaning "plant protectors") are well documented as the Erbmünzmeisters (Ore & Mint Masters & Regulators) for every monetary system around the world since the first peaces (not pieces!) of eight for the Sumerian Kings, through the top-shelf US dollar denomination as it was delivered to North America in mint condition for the Great Amerikahäuser Duchy, AD 1701. more...

I followed a natural and totally legal course in my field of principles-engineering for 48-years to earn many titles, copyright a lot of software, build dozens of corporations, and fight much crime... more...

In 1968

Since I retired, I back-trailed a series of crimes against humanity to identify the cause and solution

  , I have become a person equipped with the knowledge, patents, technology©, funding, corporations, the power in court and in the streets to provide sustained solutions for a number of life-threatening problems for every individual on earth, those yet to be born, our governments, United Nations, and the earth itself.  I am ready, able and willing to all at the same time, under all laws without a cost to anyone, with a substantial gain for everyone, pretty much right away.

Important now,  

So among other things, this site lists the improved components of the automatic repair/recovery mechanisms my greatest grandparents incorporated into the coinage systems on order of your greatest grandparents who anticipated and prepared us to solve the problems of today (after surviving and rectifying the same offenses several times over thousands of years before).


At that time there was no mold or global warming because the North Pole pointed directly at Polaris day and night; there were exactly 24-hours in each day; Niagara Falls produced 5,100 cubic feet of water per second; there was no diabetes, cancer or opioid addiction; healthcare, unlimited education, funding, housing, and unlimited electric energy were free.



Verified by forensic evidence, every problem on earth today is a result of theft, abatement, contraventions, concealment, and/or ignorance of the dollar monetary systems' peripheral apparati surrounding the currency including, but not limited to: automatic monetary multipliers, dynamic general ledgers, corporate registrations, remote vision / controls, patents / copyrights / deeds / chattel paper /securities constituting legal tender, the ancient US code, the whole rule of law, kantonal law enforcement, world court, funerary / banking / usury / personal / business /government records kept in many places around the globe to enforce 175 international human right for every individual on earth and those yet to be born.

What is surprisingly different and better about my resolutions is they are self-funded, the actions for economic repair and heritage recovery are harmonious/safe, and the components are fully automated with ultra-high-technology, thereby they are easy to implement at the street level - by individuals - for ineradicable granular sustainability of age-old solutions for today's replication of age-old crimes.   

I promised DOJ, HHS, FBI, the AG, OIG of GAO, the American Indian and Teutonic Tribes on 10/02/2021 I would construct a precision platform for safe dismantlement of a long-running international organized crime ring .

While blame is usually placed on governments, foreign countries, and even the victims,

it will probably not surprise you to learn every problem on earth today is a man-made event caused by an international organized crime ring based in Indianapolis, Indiana  USA. 

Since down through the coin ages; a solution for every problem is readily available today through practical application of the improved versions with a bilinear syntax. This means to gain enormously by moving forward; simultaneously recovering exponential losses from the problem-creators, who are mostly all dead now and will not voice an objection.


Even though these mechanisms are embedded in the dollar monetary systems, you will see the effective repair/recovery of all things such as weather, energy,  international human rights, privacy, individual rights to everlasting and/or eternal life, cost-free healthcare & education, justice, your inheritance, end of oppression at work/home, and even bring justice and peace to those of us who have lost love ones to maltreatment, false imprisonment, injury, and/or wrongful death.

 I urge everyone to enter unresolved problems here below so I can present the ingredients directly to make it right for themselves and for others who have the same/similar problem.

Drawing from   




  •  Payoff the USA debt,

  • Payoff all student loans retroactively,




listed below. by outfitting people with mobile home, work, office vewhicles my remote-control programs©. 

Then they are equipped, funded, and able to solve problems for themselves and others.  at the street level



I attack world problems at the street level with precision equipment



This is not a commercial venture for me; nor am I making an application for a job.


Verified worldwide, Hartsock is the oldest family of administrators for the Teutonic Tribes

Keep this and all [ages simple and basic.

Don't talk to Strangers here. Don't make this worldly. Don't try to sell anything, just list assets and accomplishments with a few hints. Don't try to apply gfor positions here, like bailiff.


for civil engineering, administration of world health, ducal house architecture, household management, and plant protection.  circa 2646 BC.  

. circa 2646 BC, the Pistole coins, the Ancient Greek Stater for Artemis, the Fiat money of St. Mary Immaculata, the Ascension Coin Cabinet of Jesus Christus, including


These instruments came with the dollar currency -1701 years ago, a Teutonic delivery. which was stolen on arrival, degraded and reminted.


Homelessness, human degradation, defamation & oppression

Manipulation of  USA government officials, police, and armed forces by criminal organizations.

Lexikon heresy,

(who includes you!)

Mom and Dad



To give you an idea of the power of these systems, he wrote while his grandparents, Joachim & Anne, were the owners of the silver mine in the Ore Mountains:

"Gloriosus mundi rotundi architector monarcha supremus!"
"The supreme monarch, the glorious architect of the world round!"
1 of 8 books by Jesus Christus, Author

We are taught in error the words monarchy and autocracy represent dictatorships, a government where one person rules to the benefit for himself with absolute power and unquestionable judgment.  Just the opposite is true:

  • Within the official lexikons, a monarchy is a self-government absent of a ruling body or police. It is based on granular-opulence which means everyone is evenly wealthy with full human rights, services including SSA, and material assets granted by God the Creator to us all.  This includes a monetary system consisting of currency coins, chattel paper including deeds, securities, legal tenders, a written code with canons, kantons, corporate registrations, sees & statistics kept on a ledger, and a count who is sometimes called a graf, mark, vogt, bailiff, margrave, landrat, chief, executive, talisman, bundestag, etc.  People govern themselves and each other by reporting crimes to the count who then moves money from the offender's column to the offended.  Commit enough crimes and you literally kill yourself.  Help a defunded person and you are defunded. If you form a false allegation or appeal, you are totally defunded.

  • An autocracy is an automatic invocation of the monarchy rules for the good of the public by a higher power (e.g. United Nations General Ledger Administrator over a Federal Ledger Administrator) at a time of total chaos and disarray... a time when crime rules, governments are disabled, mass public and/or judicial corruption with police or military participation, crimes against humanity, economic collapse, and especially when the errant rulers who assumed control of the monarchy are endangering lives, other countries, or the earth itself, et al.  Additionally a steadfast plan of operations to defund only criminal elements. Preservation, restoration, rehabilitation must accompany the action.  When these conditions prevail, an autocracy brings people out of hell and up to heaven by unlocking and using the Ascension Coin Cabinet in concert with the monocratic multipliers to restore vision, evenness, and to rebalance the earth.  This good for everyone, especially the disabled government officials because the debts created by the criminal activity are paid off for them, so they may restart anew from a position of strength and righteousness.

  • The real, whole rule of law is stated within the book linked above. You can obtain a copy from the Vatican Apostolic Archives or Heidelberg University or the Dukes of Bar and read it yourself.  In essence, "Always do fi* because when a crime is committed, the actor is convicted and a solution is automatically created since the act and actors had to be recorded in the ledger to get the money out and/or cover-up the crime. Currency that does not recirculate or comes back in from a wrong place is evidence of crime. The origin and owner of all coinage is identified by metallurgy even if it is reminted.  Money can never leave the universe. Bank notes, patents, chattel, certificates, and  financial instruments (in violation of usury rules) are more secure and easier to retract when the crime is detected. Securities also guarantee victims will have no losses even if the currency is never recovered. The watchman records the minutes to midnight every day."  Hoosier, "Hoorah!" (He said, "He Sees!")

  • Fredrick Wilhelm, Mark Brandenburg, set up the

Exponential infers reclamation of unjust enrichments plus money and materials purchased with the stolen money, plus an inflation factor, interest charges, interest earned, charges at your established hourly rate, etc – a.k.a. criminal growth or ill gotten gains.

The improvements I made do not change the orthodox components, they restore them to their original use-value and bring them to the forefront in their respective fields so you can deploy them more easily.  This is important today so every individual can solve their own problems without reliance upon government agencies. And, both government agencies and adept individuals can be paid well to solve problems for other individuals or businesses who lack the capacity or initiative to do so for themselves:

  • Internet computer automation: clarity of terms (lexicons), content-sensitive instructions, access to pertinent resources, research tools & comparisons, simplification, legal documentation & enforcement of all rules are included for financial mechanisms, monocratic multipliers, and most programs.

  • Molecularity granular solvency:  of the original financial instruments 

  • Remote controls: All operations

  • Added equipment: Improvements include added equipment to solve problemscounteract contraventions that have created

  • Worldwide ennoblement:

  • Cutting to the Chase:

; everyone on earth, and those that will be born, is a beneficiary as a direct descendent of the primogeniture family. and recover stolen money, materials and rights at the same time. 

, the Pistole Coins, the Ascension Coin Cabinetfirst generation since Noah parked the Ark including

The foundation for monarchies, feudal systems, and ducal houses has been proved by use for more than 6,000 (365-day) years: God put every

Since problems are personal and usually circumstantial, the solutions for you may not be apparent from the examples here, so I have included portals below so you can enter individual problems, develop operations, gain my funding and ascend to a higher level in your life. 

the gains made-over the top of problem-creators with the monocratic multipliers  while recovering .

"Jesus Christus founded the church as a monarchy verified in this document after he was made King of Kings by universal signatures within the authentic epistoles."
(Click on "Katalogkarte anzeigen" or "Show Catalog Map" (en) to view epistole documents)


Interaktiver Katalog des Münzkabinetts der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz 

As most readers know, the currency is the least part of a monetary system. The more important ingredients are chattel paper including deeds, securities, legal tenders, a written code with canons, kantons, corporate registrations, sees & statistics kept on a ledger, and a count who is sometimes called a graf, mark, vogt, bailiff, margrave, landrat, chief, executive, talisman, bundestag, etc.  A monetary system is a excellent form of self-government absent of a ruling-body or police.  People govern themselves and each other by reporting crimes to Control, who then moves money from the offender's column to the offended.  Commit enough crimes and you literally kill yourself.  Help a defunded person and you are defunded. If you form a false allegation or appeal, you are totally defunded.


Therefore, the entire history of mankind from the first human being is contained in the Hartsock files.


 as delivered with the USD currency in AD 1701; and the incidents , therefore reviving the original contracts

The  components are the original instruments that were

improvements in are

Hartsocks are the oldest civil engineering/administration family in world history documented in ancient Bavaria as far back as 2,646 (365-day) years before Jesus Christus was born.       

The "repair kit" was built into the foundation (general ledger portion) of the age-old coinage systems, since 1750 BC,  including the the a way to track money

Hartsock is the oldest

Every problem on earth today is man-made. a result of criminal activity against the dollar bill, . Due to the foresight of the Architects of our monetary with the abduction and subsequent murder of the Vogt of World Court upon his arrival in North America. 

This is not a commercial venture for me. This is the reinstitution of  individual (molecular) sovereignty for you. Older now, I am here with the equipment and funding to enable this generation to fulfill the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs), which simultaneously satisfies the presidential executive orders (PEXOs) and an array of requests from major corporations, churches, court systems, government agencies around the world; and automatically executes the ancient Wills of individuals including the written executive and supreme orders of Jesus Christus.  Plus the solutions for inflation, the USA government debt, road/bridge and grid infrastructure repair; and the unmentionable problems like (child) homelessness, 190,000 missing persons, human trafficking of all ages, precise heritage identification/reclamation, and peace for those of us who have lost love ones to maltreatment, injury, and/or wrongful death are embodied.

Being born to the oldest health & human service family in written history, and by following a natural, totally-legal course in business/life as a principal engineer for nearly 50-years, I have unintentionally become a person with the knowledge, assets, and abilities to bring back justice, peace, free-energy, free-education, free-healthcare, et al, directly to everyone, at a cost to no one, all at once, and pretty much right away.   I own and/or control the crime-cases, franchises, corporations, domains, copyrights, patents, and more important – I built, registered, and maintain the intellectual properties for each person to solve their own problems, and solve the problems for others for 10% of the recovery*  every problem on earth without me. 

Most important, the funding comes from other sources aside from the USA currency and government holdings – which are encumbered by massive, overwhelming debt and are of highly questionable sources of origin.  My money, the first money you will use to grow your wealth, is regulated by the Dodd-Frank Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, and is a P.C.A.O.B. audited statement after 26-years of government, universities', and a quadruple-licensed expert reviews.  Since those appraisals of $2.24 billion in 2006, I have added 12 IPs of greater value.  I do not charge for my systems© or services because the value of my securities (net worth) grows as you use my money/resources and becomes inexhaustible.

This is Teutonic finance, which is family finance since we are all related.  The monetary methodology is like a feudal system, which is also called a duchy, a monarchy, monocratic multiplication, and also known as Christian finance; with the big difference that I allow and encourage individuals and groups to participate in the front, back, origination, fixed-monthly, and regenerated income streams of the financial transactions. The entire dollar denomination and everyone in it (whether they participate or not)  becomes self-funded, self governed and self protected because unused personal gain and the massive income from reclaims, flows backward to our family predecessors and forward to our great grandchildren.  The protection comes from the fact  everyone is endowed, anyone can get fair funding for any reason at any time, so there is no need to rip anyone off; and there is grave danger in doing so because 24/7 public inspection of the general ledger guarantees you will be caught right away, with administration of  immediate justice under remote kantonal law enforcement.

 So it's a logical and prudent decision to enable people to reach their goals while solving the world's problems, automatically protecting me/themselves and casting out evil thoughts of unjust enrichment at the same time. To gain for yourself and your immediate family, you simply have to replicate the method. We call this harmonious forced compliance (HFC). When you reach your goal you can use that as a plateau to ascend further (a higher goal) or pass your money-making assets on to and retire to a life of leisure with all the money you need to do anything (legal) you want to do, anytime, even if it is doing nothing at all.  Sooner or later you will realize hordes of money and material assets become a liability; and you will find out after you get what you want that the greatest pleasure in life is helping others do what you have done – especially solving world problems.



In other words:  I am doing this because I can when no one else has been able to, therefore it becomes my duty under law.

   and was the foundation for the world social security system, 1 AD – 1701 AD in the Amerikahäuser coinage.  by your Bavarian ancestors: the

 Enough is enough! Dont think I think like you think...

This is making use of old money, the oldest money by way of key coins and first use of securities...

This is not a new plan! talk about SSA, leases, monetary systems, built in guarantees and 2650 bc built in solutions being exercised today... and harmony, gain while recovery and evil eradicates itself.

; just as it will become your duty as you gain access to my materials, wealth and knowledge.  and every person who uses my money and tools in the prescribed manner to achieve these goals will automatically establish an inexhaustible wealth fund for themselves, their families, and future generations. So it's logical.

Every problem on earth today is man-made by a series of crimes and cover-ups that began -1701-years ago with the abduction and subsequent murder of the Vogt of World Court upon his arrival in North America. 


I'm ding this now to avoid total destruction of the planet.  You will read below the Hartsock name/files predate the Great Flood, which happened because the earth tilted back 35° due to man's violations of the laws of nature. False controllers seeking unjust enrichment, and/or concealment of ill-gotten gains, allowed and supported illegal mining, and concentration of people, animals, monoliths, heavy metals, and fluids in Mesopotamia unbalanced the earth much like today:


  1. I was baptized 5-days after birth in holy water containing the genes of Jesus Christus at Christ The King Catholic Church, Indianapolis, IN.

  2. I


Bio-Genic Lab Activities::

Copyrights & Patents:

Corporations & Domains:


Early Life:



Family History:

Fighting, Preventing Crime:






Hartsock is the oldest health & human service family in written history - ref the Sumerian Kings List - where he is HET for one. Hartsocks are the Erzmünzmeisters, the creators, engravers, owners, talisman, court baliffs* and reapers for every monetary, finance, ledger, security & banking system throughout time beginning 2650 BC. Everyone on earth, and those yet to be born, carries the Hartsock histones through primogenitor architecture, nomenclature, numerology, de jure, de facto, and bio-genic identification indeed! For this section, we have drawn the best-of-the-best from the chalice to create an automated version of the self-funding Liga Teutonica module so everyone everywhere can enjoy free personal and business private transportation of their choice, and substantial additional income from personal participation in the LBS process if they so choose.

“The surname Hartsock was first found in ancient Bavaria, 2646 BC, where it was associated with solving the tribal conflicts of the area.  They declared allegiances to many nobles and princes of the Middle Ages, lending their influence in struggles for civilization within each region.  They branched into many houses, and their contributions were sought by many leaders in their search for trade, electric, & anti-war power.

"Hartsock" Named as the Progenitor in the Sumerian Kings List, and every Chronicle of Man since then,  , including the Pre-Columbian Charters of N. A. ame as the wholly-providers (benefactors) in the Sumerian Kings List The benefit  A family descended from some particular female progenitor, through the female line. Charmers original Teutonic Tribe, progenitor __> dollar progenitor...

to all Men, Women & Children; [Under Construction 10/15/2024]

the adelsassers, who are


While solving a string of abductions and murders of youth and seniors in North America, I discovered the dynastic material (files, patents, wealth, deeds, hard-assets) of the oldest [human-service-corps] family on earth.  In addition to serving Kings/mankind, being bookkeepers, counters, tabulators, guards, etc, Hartsocks are a provisional family, who created and installed monetary, trade, church, and government systems worldwide  for more than six millennium on earth.


I am equipped to

Kim Anthony Hartsock
Incorporated, Chairman 

I am a naturally born citizen in the USA to the oldest provisional family on earth who are neither migrants nor immigrants to the American Continent, and we are not American Indian Tribesmen.  

If you enter en: "Hartsock" into the Sumerian Kings List, each of the eight Kings made at least one of the following statements:  "He built a house for the King; He made a house for him; He built a house for me; He built a house for you. He received wine."


(ref: - Heidelberg University)


Extreme allergy to feline dander, except neubian, and no other allergies...

I do not like to write about myself because people naturally perceive I am promoting for a contended position in an organization, or I want to make trade or make money with their assets, or scam them, or use up their time and resources.  Many people will assume I am bragging because I have many legitimate titles, licenses and authorities from building, installing, operating, and supporting copyrighted computer programs for the world's largest banks, governments, courts and core-industries.  It is natural to think a person in my position wishes to lead by example or make more money because my personal net worth is over $2.24 Billion which is a  SOA, DFA & PCAOB  audited financial-statement. 


Genetically, Hartsocks are the American Adelfingers (Teutonic histones, Zimbern sideline a.k.a. Archons, Erbmünzmeisters) befit with multiple supernumeraries. Here are some of mine.

Hammerfingers (a.k.a. Agilolfings, Ahaholfings, Zähringer), padded fingertips, polythelia*, and 7 sigma (wolf teeth) substantiate my DNA and histones for


In addition to the net worth gained during my 1968 - 2009 biography, I spent thirteen years creating precision programs© for an all-encompassing automation of motor-vehicle leasing in compliance with the original, unrevised US CODE §'s, all laws, the unabridged Uniform Commercial Code, and the original USD Mint regulations.  Since then, I have become the chairman, principal software engineer, and the owner of these  domains, corporations and everything within them.  I had to "be it and do it"  to write the programs©, so I have many legitimate titles including, USA Library of Congress computer copyright author #TX4498218, licensed industrial computer manufacturer, self-made billionaire by P.C.A.O.B. audited financial statement, VFLO© franchise creator, regent of a university, licensed ordained minister, owner of a licensed financial institution PAL Inc #45671, director of a 501c(6) business league FVLA Inc, creator and trustee pro tem of the PAL Owners Trust & Escrow Company1, and 1st president of the PALX Private Securities Exchange1.  I worked on many USA.GOV requests including the automation of USCOURTS.GOV upon request from Janet Reno under the Mike Love Mandate in 1996. This happened because I worked on the Millennium Digital Commerce Act (S761 driver) from 1994-2000 by request of Sen Bob Butterworth.  That happened because I was working in Hightower Law making IP plus as a side-business partner when I submitted the copyright 1994 © 1996 and that's how they found me.  Each title and asset was earned by producing registered programs in compliance with  all  local, state, federal, international, university, and  Teutonic law, which covers all tribal laws throughout history. 

To protect our assets under those laws and avoid prosecution under 18 USC § 4 Misprision of Felony, (as the Chairman of Corporate Crime Fighters Organization) I produced awareness software, tactics and legal procedures to stop crime cold, freeze stolen assets, isolate principal offenders, and produce complete forensic evidence packets to prosecutors and courts. I have several titles and memberships from that as we stopped fifty-seven major crimes since 2009.  CCFO is GNU so I built many programs so many agencies, businesses and individuals could use the platform to stop crime. I developed the Remote Arrest/Recover/Rehab Platform in 2017 on request from the Director of the Prosecutors Office for International Crime Court.  In addition to the request, I built (and staked) a self-funding structure so their office would truly be independent.  Now it is time to recover the wealth by capitalizing on the forensics, but the American justice system is no longer equipped to enforce the laws against elite international criminals. So, I built a self-funding police force ECOPS.US, who have kantonal police powers within the Extemplar University domain, which is global. Therein fulfilling a request from the UN, FEDPOL, & INTERPOL for a universal police force, now UNI-POL.US when ever they want it.. "*.US" is a government  called a country code Top Level Domain or ccTDL for short. *US includes all united states around the world, every country that had a dollar denomination when it was a "counting house" during the Hanseatic League, which is every nation on Earth even though their land has been subdivided and renamed.  For USA.GOV, I realized the original design for the Bureau of Justice and Police  that came with the mint has been fragmented into 20,0000 agencies without kantonal police power. Therefore, I constructed THEBUREAUOFJUSTICEANDPOLICE.US for federal and university law enforcement personnel to use [and be the biggest part of UNI-POL having the most to gain.] I am completing USDCOURT.US, a kantonal court for all men online to rehabilitate, support, and enable Individuals and University, Federal & International Courts to prosecuted crime and met immediate justice for all by recovering their wealth.  The court is identical to the original design under the mint regulations and all other countries like Switzerland where the crime rate s 0.059 per 100,000 people compared to 1,259 violent crimes4 per 100K for D.C.. The Swiss numbers can be achieved by anyone – individuals to International Crime Court prosecutors – by accessing its various, and highly automated, functions. So now I add these titles: creator/director pro tem of the BureauOfJusticeAndPolice.US, creator of ECOPS.US & UNI-POL.US, and creator and First Bailiff and First Clerk of USDCOURT.US.  And by attrition, I am now the head of ancient Hartsock Household.


Auto Economics, Inc  •  Auto Financual Advusers INC   •  AMHAUS US   •  ALA INC   •  ALLMEN INC   •  BJP US   •  CCF ORG   •  CTR INC   •  EC EDU
ECOPS US   •  ESP INC   •  EXU INC   •  FVLA INC   •  GEAC INC   •  KAH INC   •   MIN KIM   •  LoN INC   •  PAL INC ( T) ( X)   •  TECK INC




I have been a USA taxpayer since I was thirteen.  In addition to paper-routes, shoveling snow and cutting-lawns, I had an awesome start and an early education in business as a typesetter, proof reader, paste-up artist and illustrator in our family printing company as a youth.  We printed every law item since my grandfather was a famous lawyer for the country. My father illustrated and printed several grade-school primers, plus we fulfilled many USA government, United Nations & other top-shelf requests; and everything from business advertising graphics, to menus, to auto manufacturing machinery labels, and some of the highest-quality portrait & painting reproductions (posters) for many museums. One misspelled word, or even poor grammar, would cause the job to be discarded and reprinted at our expense. The byproduct of precision-performance for me was learning everything about every customer's business. The benefit to the printing house was having it right the first time, stored for easy replication, with or without modifications, which made the company grow automatically without promotional expense.

A Teutonic economy is the peaceful monetization methods of household management, daily operations, and world trade coined by the Hartsock line in ancient times.. I graduated high-school at seventeen and tested-out of all four years of college academics and a second language at the same time.  I then attended a state university's classes for fine-arts, accounting and finance to learn more about my vocation, which has always been solving economic problems with self-funding, money-making mechanisms, a.k.a. Teutonics.

I entered the fleet transportation leasing industry full-time under the best people in the business when I was twenty-years-old.  Still today, the fleets I build pay for themselves, and associated business expenses, through direct LBS securitization that is 100% indemnified. The proceeds of the securities-sale are used to buy a bigger fleet and pay the meager lease payments and so on until the fleet reaches the desired size and is paid for in full.  (Ref. Liga Teutonica 1750 BC + many references available, & http://PALSSS.COM)  I also automated the retail lease process so groups of individuals, i.e. American housewives, joined business leagues to enjoy significant discounts, fleet rates, and short-cycle trading, for the benefit of the whole community.  I was big on leasing all-makes, and I was big on used vehicle leasing back then as I am today with the only copyright and full set of programs up-and-running to solve the supply-chain and rental-car problems, with or without electronic vehicle conversions. Today, Preowned Auto Lessors, Inc (PAL), leases directly to the lessees without the expense, risk, and hassle of indirect leasing parties involved.  You can read about our 8th gen. leasing league today, which is highly automated, but still no charge to join. You will find my original educators who hired me into the industry are still stockholders in my corporations today.

I gained attention from the world's biggest banks and largest lease-lenders. Seven of the best, including General Electric Credit, backed an independent leasing company start-up for me at age twenty-five.  This was 1979, which was the beginning of the Great Inflation. The ILC grew to be the 11th largest of 16,000 nationwide by volume in three years.  We leased  cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, planes and even specialty equipment, antiques and restorations. Similar to working in the printing-arts, I learned all about my portfolio clients' businesses through practical and credit applications.  Every lease was custom made for the purpose thereby.

This is when I first developed PAL Numerology© to associate mechanical devices to financial data, which became the complex matrix marketing systems© for indirect new & used vehicle leasing. Gen.8 still produces every hardcopy from advertising & promotional material, to any number of personal/circumstantial quotations for each client, to finished contracts that funded on first presentation for and array of indirect lease-lenders all at the same time. This automation included software for the lenders' compliance, production, funding, and lease end procedures.  Gen.8 is

I began distributing the retail leasing systems to a few lenders and some indirect leasing agencies in December of 1984. I submitted my first copyright application in 19853. The program users were immediately successful with the low-cost, high-volume repeat lease business tactic built into the systems©.. That led to installations in twenty-nine states; thousands of lessors and millions of lessees were served during my nineteen year tour. I wrote the retail lease programs for one-hundred-and-seven financial institutions. I authored a huge copyright in 1994, Used Vehicle Leasing Systems©, which was used in retail, fleet, and implemented by indirect lenders to dispose of vehicles returned from new vehicle leases.  Aside from leasing software, I leveraged my assets on many projects at that time including:

  •  Recreational water, hunting, and forestry safety for the Department of Natural Resources,

  • By request of Sen  Butterworth, I made the primary traction for the Millennium Digital Commerce Act (S761) 1994 - 2000,

  • The Great 1995 Cattle Drive, livestock inoculation, silage, trade, and awareness for the Department of Agriculture,

  • By request of Janet Reno, I worked on touchscreen annotation for under the Mike Love Mandate, 1996.


HERE: Describe the cause of the problem -- loss of sight and "see" -- why I have it and how to get it back; what to do with it when you get it back, and what happens to you if you plagiarize, contrive, or do not do the right  when you get it back... Or if you try to carry foorwrd and exclude me and/or this knowledge.  THEN: what happens to you if you do it right. All the ingredients are still here and can be restored and enhanced instantly, without a cost.

I will convince each forward thinking reader of my capabilities to do this with indelible documentation and even more so with mathematics. I will lead you to proof that everything was financially, geologically, geographically, and economically perfect when the dollar currency was delivered AD 1701; and how every problem on earth today is caused by organized crime beginning then; and, how the assets and wealth stolen ever since then is immediately recoverable; and, I will provide the tools, funding and procedures for the reclamations.

You can't prosecute just part of a crime-set and expect any relief. We must dismantle all these syndicates at once, in all areas of the economy around the world. Most crimes are committed within the family and in a court practicing revised statutes and or revised rules of court. I give you universal police powers through the university.

I will install every part of the EJI item. I will end waste including road and vehicle erosion caused by salts in two ways. I will distribute governed franchises to repair and prevent salt damage on vehicles and use currently-wasted resources for tremendous economic gain. Simultaneously, my Teutonic finance-engines will drop the cost of private transportation, everyone's single-largest expense, by at least sixty-, probably 80-percent, to increase household monthly buying power by an average of 31%. My initial goal is distribution causing at least 13% granular solvency, which will trickle down to national solvency within two years.

To do this you need a court of justice especially since many important courts are proved fraudulent it the first-case files...


Reinstitute the seven spires.

I work at street-level and below to establish



Write Mary  Mohiyudden.

Call about getting my disk data recovered, first thing tomorrow.

I am equipped and empowered to recover $ trillions for the federal and general ledgers as well with the largest amounts ($4T) beginning immediately and totalling ($913T → $450T) in about 1 year.  Let's gi thru it!

  I came out of retirement to reinstall gifts from my grandparents to the American people.


The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis
The Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Alain Berset
The Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter
The Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Viola Amherd
The Federal Department of Finance (FDF)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Ueli Maurer
The Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Guy Parmelin
The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC)
Head of the Department: federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga


1954 - Pres Kim Anthony Robert Hartsock
1919 - 2021 Robert Edgar Hartsock, Alicia Guerrero
G 1887 – 1968 Harvey Barton Hartsock, Bess Leota Taylor
1 1857 – 1941 Charles Edgar Hartsock, Flora Abigail McGinnis
2 1825 – 1911 Barton Warren Stone Hartsock, Mary Ann Hetser
3 1802 – 1843 Allen Hartsock, Nancy Alexander
4 1766 – 1813 Samuel Hartsock, Elizabeth Hamm
5 1733 – 1800 Peter Hartsock, Sarah (Herzogin)
6 1700 – 1763 Peter Herzog-Hartsock, Anna Margaretha Kuntze
7 1674 – 1703 Jacob Andreas Herzog, Anna Caterina Schmidt
8 1650 – 1733 Casper Herzog, Anna Elizabetha Eysenbeis
9 1614 – 1664 Burckhard Herzog, Margaretha Poehlmann
10 1590 - ???? Peter Herzog, Margarethe (Herzogin)
11 1565 - 1616 Bernhardt Hertzog, Maria Muller (the Chronicon Alsatiae, Edelsasser Kronick)
12 1533 – 1609 Conrad Herzog de Zeitz, Agnes De Barton (Staarbrucken)
13 1490 - 1544 Confidential
14 1467 - 1505 Hartung Von Bibra
15 1466 - 1540 Conrad von Thuringen

Distributable Systems© Compliance w/8 Pres. Ex. Orders
Distributable Systems© 17 UN Sustained Develop. Goals
ESP Inc R&D Catalogs for In Person & Online Indirect Leasing
PAL Numerology©
Preowned Auto Lessors Inc Platforms©
LBS Securitization Trust & Software©
PALX Private Securities Exchange Systems©
Self-Funding Fleet Operators Leasing Systems©
Regenerative Lease-For-Livery Fleet Building Systems©
Fair Vehicle Leasing Association Np 501c(6) Platforms©
Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© Enterprise/Franchise Systems
Auto Consumer Buy-Lease-Sell Systems©
LSFI Compliant Direct Lease Software©
Auto Dealer Lease/Selling Systems©
Auto Lease Auctions© Marketplaces Online
Financial Autonomizers© - Self-Funding Mechanisms©
Electric Vehicle Conversion Lease Funding©
EVC Innovations, Inventions & Funding To Production©
DIY Book Graphic Arts, Printing & Publication Systems
Ministries Business-Rules Engines
Disabled Human Services & Software©
Whole Enterprise Software© Development Services
Extemplar University Department Software & Op Systems
Crime Detection & Protection Software© & Services
AI Public Jury Mock Court Systems
EJUSTICE.ONLINE Document Vault System
ICC Hague Remote Arrest Platform
ECOPS.US Forensic Audit & Investigation Unit
OV Department of Justice & Police Systems for the USD
University Grade Externship Curricula© & Guaranteed Employment
SEC Regulations D & A Investor Relations Software & Subscriptions

It is not our business to solve your crime, transportation, social, education or financial problems.  We  provide the technology© so people can solve their own problems on their path to prosperity.  Economic solutions for individuals are a whole solution for businesses, industries, government and our nation when we solve your problem then distribute the technology© to everyone else that needs it. 

Solving problems with tech is a wonderful career and very rewarding.  You can find problems to solve within the Presidential Executive Orders, The National Science Foundation and UN's list of  Sustainable Development Goals for example. Right now, we have the technology available for you to solve 7 PEXO's:

02/24/21 : America's Supply Chains

01/25/21 : Ensuring the Future Is Made in All of America by All of America's Workers

01/27/21 : Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad

01/27/21 : President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

03/08/21 : Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free From Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

05/20/21 : Climate-Related Financial Risk

07/09/21 : Promoting Competition in the American Economy

and 15 UN SDG's:

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Learn more and take action.

GOAL 1: NO POVERTY  Economic growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.

GOAL 2: ZERO HUNGER The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.

GOAL 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATION  Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

GOAL 5: GENDER EQUALITY Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

GOAL 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION  Clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in.

GOAL 7: AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

GOAL 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH  Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

GOAL 9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION, AND INFRASTRUCTURE  Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

GOAL 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES  To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

GOAL 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES  There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

GOAL 12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION  Responsible Production and Consumption = No Waste

GOAL 13: CLIMATE ACTION  Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

GOAL 15: LIFE ON LAND  Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

GOAL 16: PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS  Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

And eliminate illegal obstacles that are keeping the American Dollar from being great again.

Contact me below or from any page of specific interest at:

  Kim at TonyGoodhardt dot Com  317 space 663 dash 9000



El dijo: "Nosotras estamos en la lucha como siempre."

El escribio, (en) "Ask not what your country can do for you! A free state protects the arts, industry, science and trade; and the only prizes virtue and merit: if we want to acquire the latter, let's do it cultivating the fields, the sciences, and all that can facilitate the sustenance and entertainment of men: let's do this in such a way that we will not be a burden for the nation, just the opposite, in a way that we will satisfy her needs, helping her to support her charge and giving relief to the distraught of humanity: with this we will also achieve abundant wealth for the nation, making her prosper in all aspects."

Él hizo formally abolished forced labor on September 16, 1829.

Vicente Ramon Saldanha Guerrero (El Negro) was born in the small village of Tixla.  His parents were Pietro Guerrero and Guadalupe Saldana, of Belgium and Africa respectfully. The Guerrero's were the canon makers for South America. Vicente was very tall (y muy fuerte) tall enough to drive the mule teams into the Mountains and bring back the ice. There he met and helped the outcast Indians who needed protection, food and contact with their families and land. (Pietro himself was distained and rebuked for marrying a negress. On one of these trips he met rebel General Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon. In November 1810, Guerrero decided to join Morelos. Upon the assassination of Morelos, Guerrero became Commander in Chief. In that position he made a deal with Spanish General Agustin de Iturbide. Iturbide joined the independence movement and agreed with Guerrero on a series of measures known as “El plan de Iguala.” This plan gave civil rights to Indians but not to Africaneers. Guerrero refused to sign the plan unless equal rights were also given to Africans and mulattos. Clause 12 was then incorporated into the plan. It read: “All inhabitants . . . without distinction of their European, African or Indian origins are citizens . . . with full freedom to pursue their livelihoods according to their merits and virtues.” Subsequently, Guerrero served in a three person “Junta” that governed the then independent Mexico from 1823-24 until the election that brought into power the first president of Mexico Guadalupe Victoria.  Guerrero, as head of the “People’s Party,” called for public schools, land title reforms, and other programs of a liberal nature. Guerrero was elected the second president of Mexico in 1829. As president, Guerrero went on to champion the cause not only of the racially oppressed but also of the economically oppressed. Guerrero formally abolished forced-labor on September 16, 1829. Shortly thereafter, he was betrayed by a group of reactionaries who drove him out of his house, captured and ultimately executed him. Guerrero’s political discourse was one of civil rights for all, but especially for African Americans.  Mexicans with hearts full of pride call him the “greatest man of color.”

Quinoa - +!


Maria Tommaso Guerrero